Saint Anna's Rich History


Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church has a rich history in Hunterdon County.  We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the individuals who extended their homes to us to worship in our formative, early years--including the Bill Mavrode Family and Pastor Lynn Mears of the Allerton United Methodist Church.  Thanks to our Grand Benefactor, the late most honorable and generous Nicholas J. Bouras, as well as the hard work, support and true faith of our own parishoners, we were blessed to embark on the journey to build our own home in October of 2009.

October 14, 2009 - Greek Orthodox Parish of Hunterdon County buys 12 acres of land on Voorhees Corner Road, Raritan Twp., New Jersey.

May 16, 2010 - His Eminence, Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey, blessed and dedicated  the newly acquired 12-acre property at 85 Voorhees Corner Road, Raritan Twp., the future home for St Anna Greek Orthodox Church. It was a wonderful event that inspired the community one step closer to building its future together.

Sep 17, 2011 - Groundbreaking Ceremony & Evening Reception - Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Evangelos offer great spiritual support and motivation to parishioners and friends at the St Anna Greek Orthodox Church ground-breaking ceremony at 85 Voorhees Corner Road site. After the Agiasmos and Ceremonial Ground Breaking, parishioners and friends were moved to offer gifts in support of the building fund.  A reception followed at Beaver Brook Country Club, Annandale, NJ, where Archbishop Demetrios offered more inspiring words to the community.  

October 13, 2012  - “Granting Wishes” Gala Event - Short Hills Hilton Hotel, Short Hills, New Jersey.

June 9, 2013  - The Thyranixia (door opening) of our new church. The Thyranixia Program is available here. 

Click here for our YouTube channel.  Some of the videos document our history.  Here are some of the highlights:

Videos Highlighting Key events from our Parish History

20th Anniversary Hierarchical Divine Liturgy


Parish History 2003-2016


Tribute to our Grand Benefactor Nicholas Bouras

Iconography Creation     

Paschal Greeting During Covid